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SEND Support and Information

Mrs C Spalenice is the Special Needs coordinator for Holy Rosary School. She can be contacted by telephoning the school office on 0151 288 6206. 

At Holy Rosary Catholic Primary School we strive to create a nurturing learning environment offering the correct support for all children and families where faith and individual potential can develop and grow.  

We have high expectations for all children in our school and aim to achieve these through the removal of barriers to learning and participation in high quality inclusive teaching.  

As a school, we value the strong partnership we have with our parents. We work together to enable children to participate fully in the life of school which is at the heart of Christian Education. 

Children in school can present with a range of additional needs. The emphasis of our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy is on the early identification of any difficulties that a child may have. We aim to respond to these needs by offering an appropriate learning environment, in which a range of adaptive teaching approaches and learning styles are provided. We ensure that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum.  

Our curriculum is designed to be inclusive and accessible for all children, ensuring children with additional needs have every opportunity to succeed, regardless of their barriers to learning. The development of our curriculum considers pupils’ barriers and how they can be addressed through the planning and delivery of lessons that build on skills and knowledge from previous years. 

The curriculum is delivered to all children through inclusive high quality teaching. If we think it is necessary to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of individual children, then we do so in consultation with the child, their parents / carers and relevant external agencies. If a child has an identified special educational need or disability, our school does all it can to meet these individual needs through our early identification and intervention pathway. (Assess, Plan, Do, Review). Teachers use SEND Support Plans and monitor progress of children through the graduated approach, ensuring provision is responsive to need as well as being regularly reviewed.  

Our provision for SEND children complies with the requirements set out in the SEND Code of Practice 2014.

Please see our SEND Information Report and SEND Policy for further information on how our school identifies our children’s different educational needs and our provision and support for children with special educational needs. 

SEND Support Services

Sefton Local Offer Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 

Sefton’s Local Offer website provides families and professionals with accessible information about the local services and support available to children and young people aged 0-25 years who have special educational needs and / or a disability.

Sefton Young Carers

Sefton Young Carers offer a range of support to children aged between 5 and 17 who look after someone in their family. Please follow the link to find out more information about this service. 

Sefton Carers

The Parent Carer Team provides information, advice and guidance on services and support available to parents and carers of children with a physical disability, learning disability or emotional / behavioural conditions.  

Aiming High

The Aiming High for Disabled Children Short Breaks Team delivers and commissions a wide range of evening and weekend group based activities and holiday programmes for children aged 5-19 years with additional needs. These activities are designed for children who cannot attend universal activities because of their additional support needs. Please follow the link for more information about activities and events. Please contact Mrs Spalenice to complete a referral. 

Sensory Processing Difficulties 

Addvanced Solutions

Support for children with sensory processing difficulties is received through parents attending SPD awareness sessions and do not require a referral. They are delivered by the Children's Occupational Therapy Service in partnership with ADDvanced Solutions and cover the following topics. 

  1. An introduction to sensory processing difficulties 

  1. Emotional regulation and Praxis/DCD 

  1. Sensory strategies 

  1. Sensory related eating difficulties 

You must attend the first session before moving on to other sessions. You must book each session separately. 

Book a session 

Contact ADDvanced Solutions - a referral is not required. 


Liverpool Children’s Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy looks at ways we can help children with additional needs carry out key life tasks at home, school and at play.  

The website offers advice and strategies to try at home for everyday tasks such as using cutlery, tying laces, dressing, toileting, handwriting and sleeping. These strategies need to be trialled before a referral to Occupational Therapy can be made by Mrs Spalenice.


SENDIASS – Information, Advice and Support Service

SENDIASS can provide support for parents in arranging and attending meetings as well as offering advocacy support. The service is confidential and free for young people aged 0-25 and their parents. 

You can contact SENDIASS by telephone on 0151 934 3334 or clicking here.